Moroccan style. A different interpretation…

This Moroccan-style home belongs to fashion photographer Phillip Dixon and art photographer Veronique Vial.  If you see this house and interior it looks like you are in a Moroccan desert. But it isn’t.  This house is located in a busy street of Venice Beach California. Philip Dixon was inspired by all his travels he made. It’s a whole different interpretation of Moroccan style mixed with western style. Simplicity characterizes this house.

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About Melanie el Haddad

I'm 35 years. I have a passion for Morocco and lifestyle. My husband is Moroccan, but he is born and raised in Amsterdam.Usually a mixed marriage is an enrichment and sometimes there is a difference. I'm in love with my daughter of three. The best thing there is, your own beautiful girl. With my husband I have a webshop called El Ramla Hamra. Creating a mix of Moroccan tradition and trendy lifestyle is our mission. We sell special and trendy living and fashion accessories. It is great to use your passion. Creative entrepreneurial. Something truly your own. I love writing. There is so much in the world that can inspire me from everyday events into beautiful fashion items. I hope you to give a little inspiration with my blog.

5 Responses to Moroccan style. A different interpretation…

  1. Dana says:

    Dear Melanie,
    I found your blog through the giveaway of vosgesparis and I am completely overwhelmed. OMG is that beautiful, wow!!!! I totally love it. It’s like holiday watching these pictures.
    Love, D :-)

  2. Beautiful house. I love it’s simplicity and how it brings out the Moroccan style of living. I wonder if there are hotels or villas with this kind of interior. Since I still can’t have a home like this, an experience of a simple, Moroccan style living would be great for now.

  3. casalil says:

    Wow I knew those pics for long but I didn’t know it was there… I love every details and corner!! Thanks for sharing!
    L A U

  4. Nao says:

    Congratulation, an amazing blog and shop you have! :)

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